
Friday 10 June 2011

609 ♥

went auntie's house , then because her cousin came out ,
so she asked us wanna follow to sunway ?
waa , sure WANT lar ;P
went there follow them awhile , then me and my sister walked to popular ourself .
i bought a pink manila card that wanna make birthday card for xxx and some stars ;D
left 100stars then i can done the thing that i want ler . x]
say ADD OIL to myself x)
hehe , after that i went bought present for HIM .
that thing quite cute , but i dunno he like it anot .. ><
very scare he don't like ><
hope he'll like it baa :]
ermm .. then at night babe's mom crazy dyh D; :'(
after tuition her mom fetch him went back home lur .
because he never ate something so stomach pain he wanna back home first .
but her mom don't want , she wanted to buy something first .
then her mom said you walk back home yourself .
my babe so stupid , really walked back home himself  T^T
distressed arhh .. :(
but i can understand him lar . :)

babe , no matter how , you're still my babe .
i'll love you and accompany you as long as i can :)
i don't dare to say forever , but i believe forever :)
forever is just like a promise ,
if you can't do it please don't promise your beloved one , cause it's will hurt him/her . :)

hehe , why say until so far liao de ar ? xP
kay lar , end here . [x ♥

Wednesday 8 June 2011

608 ; IOI ♥

woke at 8 something ><
actually damn tired d lur .
however , to baby , its worth ;D
eat ler breakfast and because of daddy got something to do , so me with my sister earlier go to IOI . 
daddy gived us each RM50 ;P 
woah ~ cool man ;PP
reached there 1030 only :3
so , with sister go popular walk walk lur . 
incidentally wait for my babe ♥ . [x
when he reached we go buy tickets for kongfu panda . 
150 d tickets selling fast dyh , then when till us , see the seat . 
aww :( only left most infront nia . 
finally we buy 340 ( 1 hour 30 minutes ) - 510 d tickets lur . :x
aiks , regret no go buy tickets earllier T^T 
i don't dare go buy earlier because i very scare met acquaintance ><
SORRY BABE , i know you will forgive me de ;P
cause no angry where got forgive lerh xP
haha . 
that 2++ hour we go eat sizzling noodles , walk here walk there and :* . 
when watch finish movie already 5 something , its starting to rain >< :O
babe d mommy come fetch him first . 
after that we also back lerh . 
i am very willing today . :(
today its the last day for two of us , im meaning if we want to hang out , gonna wait until your PMR finish lerh :( 
anyway , nevermind ba :]
i'll WAIT d ;D
the reason very simple , because i love you ♥ ;]
babe , no need sorry because of what you have did to me de lar .
if you got wrong then meaning me also got . 
cause if you can not do what i do not want ;] 
okay lar , damn miss you and the moment that we have spent on ioi and cinema x(
i believe we still got the chance to hang out de . 
is it ? 
babe , last time not say ler today want take photo together de ?
finally with no photo to miss you :(
fine ba . still got chance d . 
hmm .. end x]

Monday 6 June 2011

yesterday - time square ; today - damn BORED =__=

i woke at 9 something . 
late babe woke about 10 minutes only . 
WOW ! 
very less babe will woke earlier than me gerh xD
so happy . ( in a good mood ) ;DD
after breakfast then we went time square shopping ;)
but i got nothing to came back . 
just walk here walk there see some strange things nia . 
suddenly my sister said she thirsty , then we went for drink lur .
somemore we still ordered spaghetti with black pepper sause and chicken (x
hmm .. its so spicy and yummy ~ ;P
when its 4 or 5 something we went eat dinner .
because my relatives wanna back already so we eat earlier (:
eat ler back home play computer and watch drama for awhile . 
at night , babe called me ;DD 
we talked for 1 hour plus . ;D
he called me at 1205-1232 .
until half dunno is i pressed wrong or him . 
he called me once again . at 1233-0101 . 
then again dunno who pressed wrong ><
i called back him ;)
at 0101-0107 .
say good night ady then i charge my handphone and went bed to sleep lur .
awhile nia , i heard my handphone rang , its babe . 
he can't sleep , want i accompany him . 
okay ;D
we sms until 2am then he wanna sleep ler . 
k lur , good night babe . muax♥ 

today __ 端午节快乐 , happy dragon boat festival :O
a bored day . 
but got babe accompany , nevermind lar (x
i miss him ><

HAHA . i know for today's update its short . 
but at least i got write something , better than no xP
owhkay lar . 

END ... xD

Saturday 4 June 2011

what a busy day :P

today woke at 10 something .
after breakfast then went sungai wang for shopping with my relatives xD
buy ler some clothes and pants . :)
then , go buy donuts♥ and eat .
hmm .. (x
delicious !!
when 6 something , we went to eat dinner .
eat until 7 something then go jenjarum?
i think so . :O

haha , walk walk for 20 minutes nia .
nothing to see . :3
not like last time , got many people and many lanterns very beautiful .
aiks , it is saying that we missed it :(
anyway , today me and babe d sms very less only D;
he go back his hometown dyh .
i miss him shoo muchie♥ ><
until now , its 1215 xP
haihs , my stupid phone keep cannot operation .
damn ! -__-
tomorrow go time square :D
expecting ;DD
hmm .. today we eat a lot of things .
after few days sure get fat geh lar .
wanna keep fit ady :P

lets say next week ba :]
sharron call me out when wednesday :O
kah hui ask me when wanna out ?
and the last is i wanna call babe out , go anywhere IDC .
just wanna take picture only :)
very complicated ahh ><
how was my plan ?? :X

okay lar , its enough for today .
bye ~ :D

Friday 3 June 2011

想一起拍张合照 :)

俏皮 :P

牵了就不能轻易放掉 :)

我都喜欢 :)

sarangheyo ~ x)



awh ! ><
thinking how to celebrate his birthday .
after this two weeks d holidays , then no more chances for hanging out ler :x D;
headache ><
don't know how to buy present for him .
and how to make a most special card ? :D
i'm planning in my brain .
SHH :x xP
he's the first boyfriend which i got the chance to celebrate with him :D
excited .
babe , i love you very much :P
this is sure d lar . HAHA .
ok lar .
now he's tuitioning .
so miss him :(
this babe arh , almost everyday also very busy de wor .
not like me .
so free :P
nothing wanna say already , bye ♥ 

Thursday 2 June 2011

imissyou .

宝贝,你要快点好起来哦 :)
我好想你 ..
看见你这个样子我心都疼了 >< D;
现在的你应该在睡觉 休息吧?
希望你快点痊愈 :D
我爱你 :D

那本书我有点懒惰写了 :(
希望 :)

2 June - Sunway :)

not a really happy day :x haihs .. i woke in the early morning ..
how do we know reach there i still wanna wait -.-
already said meet at 10 something ..
all ?
- some take bus on the way .
- mom got a bit problem .
okay . fine .
suzanne , joo ann , xuann reached mcd eating .
go meet with them , after that we go buy tickets .
we buy tickets for 1210 and its pirates of the caribbean :)
watch finished at 2 something .
all go toilet then planning go where to eat .
this don want that don want .
ahduii . you all want what d ??
finally all walk themself .
left me and babe go find something eat lur .
walk here walk there also walk back A&W nia .
Lawl :P
waste jor so many energy .
when order for food babe very funny :D
eat ler then go shopping lur .
he yesterday night insomnia so keep rub his eyes and shouted tired ><
we saw many angry birds things .
so cute but expensive :3
so no buy anything .
till 6 something . my mom came :)
so back lur . with babe say goodbye ~
he sit taxi back i think ><
cause at first my daddy said can't fetch me on 5.30 , must 6.30 .
so babe accompany me wait .
they back already so nobody accompany him back .
lonely :( sorry babe .
ended with a angry and sad feeling .
haihs . all go there not together walk d ?
why wanna seperate ?
i don't understand .
that's why i don't like call many friends out .
got one friend accompany its enough :)