
Friday 10 June 2011

609 ♥

went auntie's house , then because her cousin came out ,
so she asked us wanna follow to sunway ?
waa , sure WANT lar ;P
went there follow them awhile , then me and my sister walked to popular ourself .
i bought a pink manila card that wanna make birthday card for xxx and some stars ;D
left 100stars then i can done the thing that i want ler . x]
say ADD OIL to myself x)
hehe , after that i went bought present for HIM .
that thing quite cute , but i dunno he like it anot .. ><
very scare he don't like ><
hope he'll like it baa :]
ermm .. then at night babe's mom crazy dyh D; :'(
after tuition her mom fetch him went back home lur .
because he never ate something so stomach pain he wanna back home first .
but her mom don't want , she wanted to buy something first .
then her mom said you walk back home yourself .
my babe so stupid , really walked back home himself  T^T
distressed arhh .. :(
but i can understand him lar . :)

babe , no matter how , you're still my babe .
i'll love you and accompany you as long as i can :)
i don't dare to say forever , but i believe forever :)
forever is just like a promise ,
if you can't do it please don't promise your beloved one , cause it's will hurt him/her . :)

hehe , why say until so far liao de ar ? xP
kay lar , end here . [x ♥