
Wednesday 8 June 2011

608 ; IOI ♥

woke at 8 something ><
actually damn tired d lur .
however , to baby , its worth ;D
eat ler breakfast and because of daddy got something to do , so me with my sister earlier go to IOI . 
daddy gived us each RM50 ;P 
woah ~ cool man ;PP
reached there 1030 only :3
so , with sister go popular walk walk lur . 
incidentally wait for my babe ♥ . [x
when he reached we go buy tickets for kongfu panda . 
150 d tickets selling fast dyh , then when till us , see the seat . 
aww :( only left most infront nia . 
finally we buy 340 ( 1 hour 30 minutes ) - 510 d tickets lur . :x
aiks , regret no go buy tickets earllier T^T 
i don't dare go buy earlier because i very scare met acquaintance ><
SORRY BABE , i know you will forgive me de ;P
cause no angry where got forgive lerh xP
haha . 
that 2++ hour we go eat sizzling noodles , walk here walk there and :* . 
when watch finish movie already 5 something , its starting to rain >< :O
babe d mommy come fetch him first . 
after that we also back lerh . 
i am very willing today . :(
today its the last day for two of us , im meaning if we want to hang out , gonna wait until your PMR finish lerh :( 
anyway , nevermind ba :]
i'll WAIT d ;D
the reason very simple , because i love you ♥ ;]
babe , no need sorry because of what you have did to me de lar .
if you got wrong then meaning me also got . 
cause if you can not do what i do not want ;] 
okay lar , damn miss you and the moment that we have spent on ioi and cinema x(
i believe we still got the chance to hang out de . 
is it ? 
babe , last time not say ler today want take photo together de ?
finally with no photo to miss you :(
fine ba . still got chance d . 
hmm .. end x]