
Monday 6 June 2011

yesterday - time square ; today - damn BORED =__=

i woke at 9 something . 
late babe woke about 10 minutes only . 
WOW ! 
very less babe will woke earlier than me gerh xD
so happy . ( in a good mood ) ;DD
after breakfast then we went time square shopping ;)
but i got nothing to came back . 
just walk here walk there see some strange things nia . 
suddenly my sister said she thirsty , then we went for drink lur .
somemore we still ordered spaghetti with black pepper sause and chicken (x
hmm .. its so spicy and yummy ~ ;P
when its 4 or 5 something we went eat dinner .
because my relatives wanna back already so we eat earlier (:
eat ler back home play computer and watch drama for awhile . 
at night , babe called me ;DD 
we talked for 1 hour plus . ;D
he called me at 1205-1232 .
until half dunno is i pressed wrong or him . 
he called me once again . at 1233-0101 . 
then again dunno who pressed wrong ><
i called back him ;)
at 0101-0107 .
say good night ady then i charge my handphone and went bed to sleep lur .
awhile nia , i heard my handphone rang , its babe . 
he can't sleep , want i accompany him . 
okay ;D
we sms until 2am then he wanna sleep ler . 
k lur , good night babe . muax♥ 

today __ 端午节快乐 , happy dragon boat festival :O
a bored day . 
but got babe accompany , nevermind lar (x
i miss him ><

HAHA . i know for today's update its short . 
but at least i got write something , better than no xP
owhkay lar . 

END ... xD